27 research outputs found

    Unified Data Management and Comprehensive Performance Evaluation for Urban Spatial-Temporal Prediction [Experiment, Analysis & Benchmark]

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    The field of urban spatial-temporal prediction is advancing rapidly with the development of deep learning techniques and the availability of large-scale datasets. However, challenges persist in accessing and utilizing diverse urban spatial-temporal datasets from different sources and stored in different formats, as well as determining effective model structures and components with the proliferation of deep learning models. This work addresses these challenges and provides three significant contributions. Firstly, we introduce "atomic files", a unified storage format designed for urban spatial-temporal big data, and validate its effectiveness on 40 diverse datasets, simplifying data management. Secondly, we present a comprehensive overview of technological advances in urban spatial-temporal prediction models, guiding the development of robust models. Thirdly, we conduct extensive experiments using diverse models and datasets, establishing a performance leaderboard and identifying promising research directions. Overall, this work effectively manages urban spatial-temporal data, guides future efforts, and facilitates the development of accurate and efficient urban spatial-temporal prediction models. It can potentially make long-term contributions to urban spatial-temporal data management and prediction, ultimately leading to improved urban living standards.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:2304.1434

    Effect of stress relaxation on accelerated physical aging of hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber using time-temperature-strain superposition principle

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    While the stress relaxation is a common phenomenon for polymers, its effect on the stress/strain accelerated aging of the hydrogenated nitrile butadiene rubber (HNBR) cannot be ignored. In this paper, the aging tests of HNBR at various temperature and strain levels were performed. To consider the influence of relaxation behavior during the accelerated aging process under external strains, a modified time-temperature-strain superposition principle considering stress relaxation (TTSSP-R) was proposed. With the general Maxwell model and the constructed master curve of relaxation modulus, the effect of stress relaxation on accelerated aging can be described. It was demonstrated that the proposed TTSSP-R approach provides an accurate evaluation of physical aging of HNBR with the consideration of stress relaxation. It could help the material designer to better understand the long-term performance and reliability of rubber components. Keywords: Accelerated aging, HNBR, Stress relaxation, Time-temperature-strain superposition principl

    PDFormer: Propagation Delay-Aware Dynamic Long-Range Transformer for Traffic Flow Prediction

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    As a core technology of Intelligent Transportation System, traffic flow prediction has a wide range of applications. The fundamental challenge in traffic flow prediction is to effectively model the complex spatial-temporal dependencies in traffic data. Spatial-temporal Graph Neural Network (GNN) models have emerged as one of the most promising methods to solve this problem. However, GNN-based models have three major limitations for traffic prediction: i) Most methods model spatial dependencies in a static manner, which limits the ability to learn dynamic urban traffic patterns; ii) Most methods only consider short-range spatial information and are unable to capture long-range spatial dependencies; iii) These methods ignore the fact that the propagation of traffic conditions between locations has a time delay in traffic systems. To this end, we propose a novel Propagation Delay-aware dynamic long-range transFormer, namely PDFormer, for accurate traffic flow prediction. Specifically, we design a spatial self-attention module to capture the dynamic spatial dependencies. Then, two graph masking matrices are introduced to highlight spatial dependencies from short- and long-range views. Moreover, a traffic delay-aware feature transformation module is proposed to empower PDFormer with the capability of explicitly modeling the time delay of spatial information propagation. Extensive experimental results on six real-world public traffic datasets show that our method can not only achieve state-of-the-art performance but also exhibit competitive computational efficiency. Moreover, we visualize the learned spatial-temporal attention map to make our model highly interpretable

    Distribution, Sources and Risk Assessment of Polychlorinated Biphenyls in Sediments from Beiluo River

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    The distribution and source of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) pollution in the Beiluo River, the secondary tributary of the Yellow River, still remain unclear. With the purpose of determining the distribution, origins, and pollution levels of PCBs and their consequences on ecological risks, the concentrations of 27 PCBs at 17 locations in the sediments of the Beiluo River were examined in this study. The results showed that the mass concentrations of ∑PCBs in the sediment ranged from 0.12 to 1.25 ng∙g−1 (DW), with the highest point at sampling site B13 downstream of the river. Compared to most river sediments, both domestically and internationally, the concentration of PCBs in the sediment of the Beiluo River was at a low level, with 10-PCB and 6-PCB as the main components, indicating that the PCBs that are difficult to volatilise and degrade are more likely to remain in the sediment. The origins of PCBs in the sediments of the Beiluo River were examined by using positive matrix factorisation (PMF). The results revealed that the contamination of PCBs in the sediments of the Beiluo River mainly resulted from industrial emissions, technical PCB mixtures, and coal and wood combustion. The results of the ecological risk assessment indicated that PCBs in the sediments of the study area rarely contribute to adverse biological effects and the potential low risk to the environment

    Coupled ESR and U-series dating of fossil teeth from Yiyuan hominin site, northern China

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    Coupled ESR and U-series analyses of mammalian fossil teeth were carried out on two localities of Yiyuan hominin site (Locality 1 and 3) in northern China. The U-migration history of the fossil samples could be reconstructed by the combination of the two techniques, and overcome the limitation of stand-alone ESR and U-series age estimation. We obtained a combined ESR/U-series age (AU model) range from ~420 to 320 ka from nine teeth recovered from the two localities, which pinpoints the deposition of hominin layer of Yiyuan site to MIS 11 to 9. The age results in this study places Yiyuan site at the same time range of Zhoukoudian Locality 1 and Hexian Homo erectus sites. Comparing with other hominin sites, this study of Yiyuan Homo erectus site highlights the possibility of coexistence between Homo erectus and archaic H. sapiens in China